About Us

We are students at the University of Colorado who strive to learn about and create media in a meaningful way.

Meggy Wiley
Brand Design and Outreach
Pennington, NJ
Meggy is a senior at CU Boulder studying Strategic Communications with an advertising strategy focus and double minoring in Media Production and Business. Meggy specializes in graphic design, research writing, photography, editing, and brand management. She is passionate about strategic advertising across all media platforms. Meggy works primarily as our brand and logo designer, and outreach specialist, supportive web designer, and also has conducted research and video production on the team.
Lily Fletcher
Project Managment
Lafayette, CO
Lily is a junior at CU Boulder studying Journalism and Media Production with a documentary focus. Her passions include project management, education, and communication guidelines, as well as research, writing, and production. Lily’s work on the team involves doing the majority of the educational outreach as well as supporting video production and research for the project. Lily serves as the project manager and educational liaison.
Curtis Wagner
UX/UI and Creative Designer
Lafayette, CO
Curtis is a senior studying Media Production. Curtis is passionate about website design, video production, narrative design, and interactive media. He serves as DIT’s UX/UI and Creative Design Lead and supports project management and brand development for the Denver Interactive Timeline team. Curtis also provides feedback on research and multimedia elements of the project during key implementation phases.
Oliver Pollock
Videography and Brand Design
Lafayette, CO
Oliver is a junior at CU Boulder studying Strategic Communications with a creative advertising focus supplemented by a double minor in Media Production and Creative Technology and Design. Oliver specializes in graphic design, photography, video production, editing, and overall brand design. Oliver works as one of our lead researchers, and our primary videographer, and supports with brand development and website design.
Caleb McKernan
Photography and Research
Marblehead, MA
Caleb is our geological research and photography lead on this project. Caleb is a junior at CU Boulder studying Media Production with a minor in Geology. He is passionate about photography, interactive media, geology, history, and the great outdoors! Caleb specializes in finding academic resources for the project, as well as providing all of the original photography. He also serves as one of our lead researchers and a video production crew member.
Ben Berman
Video Production and Editing
San Francisco, CA
Ben is our lead videographer and editor as well as a key researcher on the DIT team! Ben has experience in technical and narrative writing, video editing, sound design, and digital illustration. He specializes in the zoological, ecological, and cultural research for the Prehistory section of the website, as well as copy editing other sections. Ben is the lead producer/editor of all of our video productions and has created digital illustrations and animations for assets unable to be captured on film or video on the site.

Our guiding values are humility and reflection.

We understand that we can't know everything, and that all individuals are ultimately different. We engage in reflective practices such as researching diverse sources, acknowledging bias, and peer reviewing our work in order to recognize and potentially mitigate bias that is present in the research and content we write. We hope that through providing trustworthy academic resources and serving as an epicenter for other sources we can give the most accurate representation of Colorado history for teachers in the Denver community. Thank you for choosing our resource to engage with Colorado history!

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